The School at McGuire Memorial is an Approved Private School serving children 3 through 21 years of age with complex and significant educational needs including the following diagnoses:
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Neurologic Impairment/Brain Damage
- Intellectual disabilities
- Learning Disabilities
- Physically Handicapped
- Speech/Language Impaired
- Multiple Disabilities
All students are placed at The School by their home school district which has fiduciary responsibility. Therefore, all placements must be approved by the district. While initial inquiries are always welcome, families should first contact their home school district to discuss a change of educational placement. The School offers a rolling admissions process accepting applications and enrolling students approved for placement by their district throughout the school year. Students must be at least 3 years of age to enroll in the preschool program and at least 5 years of age, but not more than 20 years of age to enroll in the school.
For more information about The School, our faculty, or our curriculum, please contact Mrs. Bethany Huff, Transition Coordinator at 724-891-7222.