Our Director of The School at McGuire Memorial leads a staff of nearly 70 individuals. All staff members are qualified and licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Education in their designated discipline – be it special education, physical education, occupational therapy, speech therapy, or physical therapy.
Families have come to know that staff members at The School at McGuire Memorial are not only knowledgeable and well-trained, but also loving, nurturing, and strong advocates for the educational, therapeutic, and social needs of each student. Families look to staff members as partners, working together to ensure that their children receive the highest level of educational services and support.
If you have appropriate training and an interest in joining our team of dedicated professionals, please contact us to enquire about possible job openings.
Dr. Kim Lieb | Chief School Administrator | klieb@mcguirememorial.org |
Ana Gonzalez | Director of Education | agonzalez@mcguirememorial.org |
Jessica Taylor | Principal/Assistant Director | jtaylor@mcguirememorial.org |
Bethany Huff | Chief School Administrator Successor | bhuff@mcguirememorial.org |
Victoria Smock | Behavior Supports Coordinator | vsmock@mcguirememorial.org |
Instructional Staff
Emily Barnett | Special Education Teacher | ebarnett@mcguirememorial.org |
Kamie Blake | Special Education Teacher | kblake@mcguirememorial.org |
James Boring | Special Education Teacher | jboring@mcguirememorial.org |
Caroline Culos | Special Education Teacher | cculos@mcguirememorial.org |
Logan Falesnik | Special Education Teacher | lfalesnik@mcguirememorial.org |
Michele Fitch | Special Education Teacher | mfitch@mcguirememorial.org |
Kathy Garrett | Instructional Coach | kgarrett@mcguirememorial.org |
Scott Goodman | Music Therapist | sgoodman@mcguirememorial.org |
Robert Lane | Special Education Teacher | rlane@mcguirememorial.org |
Stephanie McJunkin | Special Education Teacher | smcjunkin@mcguirememorial.org |
Morgan Redrup | Special Education Teacher | mredrup@mcguirememorial.org |
Elizabeth Rice | Special Education Teacher | erice@mcguirememorial.org |
Kelsey Shay | Special Education Teacher | keshay@mcguirememorial.org |
Janet Simmons | Special Education Teacher | jsimmons@mcguirememorial.org |
Sofia Springer | Special Education Teacher | sspringer@mcguirememorial.org |
Scott Stewart | Health & Phys. Ed. Teacher | sstewart@mcguirememorial.org |
Taylor Tomb | Special Education Teacher | ttomb@mcguirememorial.org |
Leyte Tomchak | Special Education Teacher | ltomchak@mcguirememorial.org |
Matthew Waldroup | Special Education Teacher | mwaldroup@mcguirememorial.org |
Becky Wright | Special Education Teacher | bwright@mcguirememorial.org |
Therapists and Nurses
Bethany Caldwell | Speech Therapist | bcaldwell@mcguirememorial.org |
Madison Cicconi | Speech Therapist | mcicconi@mcguirememorial.org |
Sue Durler | School Nurse | sdurler@mcguirememorial.org |
Allison Falk | Speech Therapist | afalk@mcguirememoria.org |
Terri Herge | School Nurse | therge@mcguirememorial.org |
Kim Hilbert | Physical Therapy Assistant | |
Kerry Mariacher | Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant | |
Tiffany Lin | Occupational Therapist | tlin@mcguirememorial.org |
Behavior Technicians
Areionna Anthony | Behavior Technician | |
Lynn Bailey | Behavior Technician | |
Toni Bezdek | Behavior Technician | |
Sabrina Boggs | Behavior Technician | |
Tamara Boso | Behavior Technician | |
Christian Fisher | Behavior Technician | |
Aaron Guerrieri | Behavior Technician | |
Kristin Hites | Behavior Technician | |
Kylie Hoberek | Behavior Technician | |
Isabella Kosto | Behavior Technician | |
Crystal Locy | Behavior Technician | |
Marissa Mannerino | Behavior Technician | |
Laura McCory | Behavior Technician | |
Noelle McCullar | Behavior Technician | |
Heather McGuire | Behavior Technician | |
Alyssa Molchen | Behavior Technician | |
Aubrey Mollenauer | Behavior Technician | |
Megan Perri | Behavior Technician | |
Stephanie Popoff | Behavior Technician | |
Taydum Rhodes | Behavior Technician | |
Angelica Rogers | Behavior Technician | |
Tamara Scafide | Behavior Tecnnician | |
Mary Kay Stark | Behavior Technician | |
Kasey Sturm | Behavior Technician | |
Natalie Syka | Behavior Technician | |
Jill Ujhazy | Behavior Technician | |
Caitlyn Van Der Snel | Behavior Technician | |
Lindsay Wallace | Behavior Technician | |
Gregory Weekley | Behavior Technician | |
Tracy Woods | Behavior Technician | |
Annette Yankello | Behavior Technician | |
Carley Zak | Behavior Technician |
ABA Coaches
Heather Cook | ABA Coach | |
Laura Herzog | ABA Coach | |
Rachel Kostial | ABA Coach | |
Philip Russo | ABA Coach | |
Amber Singer | ABA Coach |
Brandi Felgar | Paraeducator | |
Stacie Gerlach | Paraeducator | |
Diane Mildner | Paraeducator | |
Mary Beth Nocera | Paraeducator |
Building Support Staff
Racheal Cattivera | Dietary Aide | |
Debbie Gearhart | Administrative Assistant | dgearhart@mcguirememorial.org |
Mark Hall | Building Services Coordinator | mkhall@mcguirememorial.org |
Loree Maloney | Dietary Aide | lmaloney@mcguirememorial.org |
Michelle Pollio | Receptionist | mpollio@mcguirememorial.org |