Additional Information
Change in Eligibility for Free and Appropriate Public Education
Change in Eligibility for Free and Appropriate Public Education
CHIP Information Flyers
Health and Safety Plan
This Health and Safety Plan was developed from Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE), Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH) and Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines as well as Governor Wolf’s Process to Reopen Pennsylvania and input from the School Pandemic team which is comprised of representative school stakeholders. The plan is reflective of COVID statistics and data available as of July 29, 2020. This plan was built to be flexible enough to move seamlessly between more or less restrictive settings (i.e. virtual learning, hybrid learning and total in-school learning) based on public health concerns. It is important to note that parents have the option at any time of choosing a completely virtual program for their child. We believe strongly that parents must be the primary protectors of their child’s health and must, with input from their pediatrician, make the decision that best suits their child.
Download the Health and Safety Plan (PDF)
LEAD Testing
Type I Diabetes
Type I Diabetes Information Sheet