Our Team
The dedicated team at The McGuire Memorial Foundation puts our hearts and souls into our work on a daily basis, knowing the results of our efforts will make the lives of those served by McGuire Memorial even more remarkable.
The McGuire Memorial Foundation exists to support and build on the mission of McGuire Memorial. We are devoted to advancing the vision of providing the best care to children and adults with disabilities. Through the work of our staff, board of directors, and generous donors and volunteers, we continue to help provide an invaluable resource in the community.
McGuire Memorial Foundation Staff

Allison Dixon
Director of Development & Operations

Heather Pisano
Major Gifts Director
McGuire Memorial Board of Directors
- Clay Saftner, Board Chair
- Mary Grace Belculfine
- Sr. Mary Rosita Brenna, CSSF
- Keith Cassidy
- Kathleen Daniels
- Amy Kenneweg
- Gregory G. Miocic
- Dan Nahas
- Timothy Rubritz
- Kevin Sweeney
- Marcia Wallander
- Kristin Westerhoff
- Mary Wood