The Employment Option Center (EOC)
There is something fulfilling to having a role that is all your own, where others are relying on you to get a job done. We believe everyone should be able to experience this, regardless of ability.
The McGuire Memorial Saint Joseph the Worker Employment Option Center (EOC) offers day programs for adults with mild to moderate disabilities or autism that focus on vocational training, life skills, school-to-work transition programs, and even provide paid employment opportunities.
The Center is licensed and inspected annually by the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare and offer one of the area’s most unique adult training facilities. Tours of the Center are available to anyone interested in learning about our services and seeing our individuals in action. Please contact us if you are interested in learning more.
Employment Option Center Overview
The McGuire Memorial Employment Option Center is dedicated to helping adults with mild to moderate disabilities or autism build self-determination, self-advocacy, and decision making skills. Our individuals range in age from 18 to greater than 60.
Our professional staff of Program Specialists, instructors, and direct care professionals assists individuals with developing the necessary skills to prepare, participate in, and retain employment. The staff is trained to match the skills and capabilities of individuals with various activities at the facility and off campus worksites that provide both paid and group volunteer opportunities. Individuals are able to develop new skills and relationships while engaging in activities that challenge them and help them grow.
All individuals are provided with meaningful opportunities in an inclusive environment that is safe, nurturing, and supportive.
At the Employment Option Center, everyone receives an authentic and purposeful learning experience. Individuals learn various life and vocational skills that encourage participation in the community and employment.

Departments at the Center include:
Housekeeping: Directed by a professional staff member who works alongside our individuals, teaching a variety of janitorial and maintenance skills. Our training ensures that all equipment and materials are used properly, leading to work of the highest quality.
Clerical: Approximately 1/3 of our individuals work in this area. Individuals learn clerical skills such as how to use a computer, count money, shred papers, collate, sort, staple, package, and prepare bulk mailings for various organizations.
Production: Individuals are encouraged to express their creativity by working in our “Entrusted Treasures” Production Company where they learn various production skills and are able to make a variety of fine items. If your company or organization has identified needs with which our individuals could help, please contact us.
School-to-Work Program
The ages of 18 to 21 can be a stressful time for individuals with disabilities or autism, and their parents and family members. The life change from attending school to what lies ahead can lead to great uncertainties about the future. At the Employment Option Center, we are committed to helping individuals meet this challenge head-on.
When an individual graduates, they often return to the Employment Option Center to participate full-time in the opportunities we provide for work at the facility or with one of the many diverse organizations that offer paid positions in the surrounding area.
We work with individuals, their parents, and school administrators to develop individualized and personalized plans for development to help ensure a successful transition. Practical skills such as clerical, product assembly, packaging, and housekeeping are often introduced during day-to-day sessions. Our school-to-work individuals are learning to interact successfully with other adults to accomplish assigned tasks. If you would like to meet with us concerning a student who would be well-suited for our School-to-Work transition program, please contact us to learn more about our services and meet others who are involved.
I like my job because the people are nice and happy. They tell me good job, and I feel appreciated.
Employment Option Center School-to-Work Student

Part of helping the individuals we serve integrate into real-world working positions is seeking these opportunities themselves. We work closely with a host of local companies, schools, and community organizations that are in need of help and have many roles to be filled. As such, we connect our individuals with those potential employers or organizations, and allow them to access the responsibilities and what might be a good fit for themselves.
We will actively help the individual evaluate and obtain a role that is not only suited to their interests and abilities, but will allow them to be successful while also experiencing the joy and independence that comes along with it.
Are you a local company, school or community organization that has paid or volunteer opportunities for our EOC participants? Let us match your skill needs with the right teammate.
The craftsmen and job coaches from McGuire Memorial Employment Option Center have become an integral part of our company’s operation and extended family. They fill meaningful positions that are vital to our business, and their work matches the quality that our customers have come to expect of Ohio Valley Industrial Services.
President, Ohio Valley Industrial Services